Tuesday, April 23, 2024

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Children And Pets Love, Loyalty And Friendship


Pets are part of life for every child. Among the first words that children learn are also name of the animals and their images around them, so it is perfectly normal for children’s interests for these living things to grow.

In some countries were established associations that come to help parents by providing them with valuable information about different aspects of children’s cohabitation with a pet. These associations try to guide those parents who want a pet for their child through an educational program, to choose the appropriate animal depending on age and wishes of the child. Choosing a pet for your child is not an easy step, but on the contrary, this decision should be taken with great responsibility. When a child has a pet, the latter will be seen and treated as a true friend, because pets are the best companions for children.

Why is good for children to grow in the company of a pet
Research has shown that if a child is raised in the company of a pet, he will be much healthier, more energetic and will develop more harmoniously. You might wonder what the link is between pets and children’s development, but this link really exists, because an animal is a great responsibility for the small one. And more than that, think how much time they will spend together, because the child will be always with his friend, the pet.
The presence of a pet in the life of every child is very beneficial. Firstly, the child feels that he can always “talk” to someone, because generally children who have pets tend to always talk with them. A pet develops the affection of the children, they become more sensitive, more tolerant and understanding. Moreover, it was shown that children who have pets are more confident in themselves, are more energetic and can learn quickly, on top of that they are more talkative and sociable, and very disciplined.

When and what pet to choose for your child

Moved by the desire and demands of the small one to provide a reliable friend and a unique playmate, you finally decide to take the big step and to give to the little one an immense joy. But before doing this step, you must inform yourself, at because in some places are not too many educational programs related to child-pet relationships, the Internet remaining the best solution. First, if you want a pet for your child, it is necessary to adapt your child’s age to the animal on which you have directed. Dogs and cats are popular pets and excellent companions for children. Children younger than four years should not be left unattended in the company of your pet because they can be injured. Small exotic pets such as hamsters or guinea pigs are not indicated for the kids.

Dogs are excellent pets for children. Over time they were observed strange links that were formed between children and dogs, which is why some breeds are now used to help children with disabilities by therapy. Thus, in England, as in other countries around the world, there are hospitals where children and animal practice therapy and the results are always incredible. Cats are also ideal companions for children. They are very sociable, playful and energetic, and the two friends will involve in the most amazing games.

Children who are living in the presence of a pet will learn even from an early age what responsibility is. So the golden rule that parents need to consider when they decide to give the child a pet, is to tell them about the responsibilities expecting them. Whatever pet you  select, you must take care of it, feed and educate it, and this  aspect should not escape from the child responsibilities. In this way, the children will learn what it means to be responsible, not only in terms of the pet, but for themselves, because they would have to organize their time well and will be responsible for their own actions.

Children can learn a lot from their pets. If you chose the dog as a pet, your child will certainly learn what friendship, loyalty and affection is, since they will be rewarded by the four-legged companion. Moreover, the outdoor activities will get the child closer to the nature, so that he will learn to appreciate and respect what surrounds him. Parents must provide necessary medical pet care, by frequent visits to the veterinarian for vaccinations and consultations, so they do not put the child’s health in danger.

Cohabitation guide children – pets
Even if a pet right choice in a good time should not raise too many problems, there is a set of rules that children must meet in order to have a good relationship with pet playmates. Children should be taught to behave well with pets:
• not be loud or scream, but use a more gentle voice;
• not to hit or hurt them in any way;
• to play nicely with them;
• allow them to rest;
• do not give food that could be harmful;
• treat them as real family members.

Moreover, they must be trained by parents with regard to animal care. Unfortunately there are cases in which children cannot live in a particular company because they have pet allergies or other health problems.
If these little rules are met, and parents are willing to give children such a joy, then the relationship between children and pet will be a truly impressive one.


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