Monday, January 20, 2025

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Hindu Zodiac

The Hindu zodiac begins, like the European one, on 21 March. It has 36 signs, and each sign corresponds to a period of about 10 days.

March 21 – 31: Hatchet the person born in this period will be hard working and loving
April 1 – 10: Horse always jolly, this person will delight others with his optimism. Sometimes it is hard for him to take a decision.
April 11 – 20: Cabby he loves his friends and family, but hes not constant in his acts and thoughts.
April 21 – 30: Fire this person is beautiful, harmonious, and spiritual.
May 1 – 10: Goat continually impatient and without priorities. He will be lucky in his love life and, probably, also in marriage.
May 11 – 20: Elephant a man with very much work power and with great patience, who will have success in his career and family life. .
May 21 – 31: F he will be cherished and successful and will always make good impression.
June 1 – 10: Phoenix has a great soul and will have success in charities. He is popular and proves self control.
June 11 – 20: Diamond he is a difficult and strong man and nothing seems to shake his beliefs.
June 21 – 30: Boar will show refinement and an aristocratic spirit to the ones surrounding him.
July 1 – 10: Snake the natives under this sign will not learn anything from life. They will live only in the present and they will be inconsistent in what they do.
July 11 – 21: Turtle he is prudent and his rescue will always be his family and friends.
July 22 August 1: Dog he is courageous and he likes being appreciated
August 2 – 12: Hunter he is a fighter and a great trader, being skilled in business.
August 13 – 23: Bear he is generous and will have a good health.
August 24 September 2: Virgin the native under this sign will be smart and hardworking
September 3 – 12: Feather – this man will have talent in speech and writing.
September 13 – 23: Swallow the native will love harmony and order
September 24 – October 3: Scales he likes freedom, he is wise, organized and takes care that all of his actions are well calculated and verified.
October 4 – 13: Hawk he has a clear thinking and thirst for victory
October 14 23: Monkey person with sharp mind, he likes to make complex plans. He is inconsistent and superficial in love life and might also get a bad reputation.
October 24 – November 2: Dolphin – he is not scared by risks and difficulties and he likes action.
November 3 – 12: Tower he is an artist, a great friend and he is also gentle and polite with the persons surrounding him.
November 13 – 22: Lion he is a fighter and loves victory. He is also a difficult person but has vivid imagination.
November 23 December 2: Hermit he is superior from all points of view and has a strong character.
December 3 – 12: Seashell he is original but selfish, he likes loneliness and can be very wise.
December 13 -21: Metal this person is tough, cold and knows how to hide his real intentions and how to persuade.
December 22 – 31: Rope he is helpful and supportive
January 1 – 10: Lotus he is an honorable and faithful man that will have successes in his career and love life.
January 11 – 20: Archer a dreamer with a strong will and passion for occultism.
January 21 – 30: Eagle- a superior and noble person from all points of view. He has force in action, an exceptional intellect and a clear awareness about his own values.
January 31 February 9: Carriage this person will love the unknown and the new experiences. Of great help is his lucid thinking
February 10 – 19: Water he is proud, courageous and he likes to be listened to.
February 20 March 1: Pearl he needs friendships and understanding. He is sentimental and has a rich soul.
March 2 – 10: Sailboat this person will enjoy life and will be quite individualist.
March 11 – 20: Yogi this person will be lonely and will not bother anyone. Those around him say that he doesnt know what he wants from life.The Hindu zodiac begins, like the European one, on 21 March. It has 36 signs, and each sign corresponds to a period of about 10 days.

March 21 – 31: Hatchet the person born in this period will be hard working and loving
April 1 – 10: Horse always jolly, this person will delight others with his optimism. Sometimes it is hard for him to take a decision.
April 11 – 20: Cabby he loves his friends and family, but hes not constant in his acts and thoughts.
April 21 – 30: Fire this person is beautiful, harmonious, and spiritual.
May 1 – 10: Goat continually impatient and without priorities. He will be lucky in his love life and, probably, also in marriage.
May 11 – 20: Elephant a man with very much work power and with great patience, who will have success in his career and family life. .
May 21 – 31: F he will be cherished and successful and will always make good impression.
June 1 – 10: Phoenix has a great soul and will have success in charities. He is popular and proves self control.
June 11 – 20: Diamond he is a difficult and strong man and nothing seems to shake his beliefs.
June 21 – 30: Boar will show refinement and an aristocratic spirit to the ones surrounding him.
July 1 – 10: Snake the natives under this sign will not learn anything from life. They will live only in the present and they will be inconsistent in what they do.
July 11 – 21: Turtle he is prudent and his rescue will always be his family and friends.
July 22 August 1: Dog he is courageous and he likes being appreciated
August 2 – 12: Hunter he is a fighter and a great trader, being skilled in business.
August 13 – 23: Bear he is generous and will have a good health.
August 24 September 2: Virgin the native under this sign will be smart and hardworking
September 3 – 12: Feather – this man will have talent in speech and writing.
September 13 – 23: Swallow the native will love harmony and order
September 24 – October 3: Scales he likes freedom, he is wise, organized and takes care that all of his actions are well calculated and verified.
October 4 – 13: Hawk he has a clear thinking and thirst for victory
October 14 23: Monkey person with sharp mind, he likes to make complex plans. He is inconsistent and superficial in love life and might also get a bad reputation.
October 24 – November 2: Dolphin – he is not scared by risks and difficulties and he likes action.
November 3 – 12: Tower he is an artist, a great friend and he is also gentle and polite with the persons surrounding him.
November 13 – 22: Lion he is a fighter and loves victory. He is also a difficult person but has vivid imagination.
November 23 December 2: Hermit he is superior from all points of view and has a strong character.
December 3 – 12: Seashell he is original but selfish, he likes loneliness and can be very wise.
December 13 -21: Metal this person is tough, cold and knows how to hide his real intentions and how to persuade.
December 22 – 31: Rope he is helpful and supportive
January 1 – 10: Lotus he is an honorable and faithful man that will have successes in his career and love life.
January 11 – 20: Archer a dreamer with a strong will and passion for occultism.
January 21 – 30: Eagle- a superior and noble person from all points of view. He has force in action, an exceptional intellect and a clear awareness about his own values.
January 31 February 9: Carriage this person will love the unknown and the new experiences. Of great help is his lucid thinking
February 10 – 19: Water he is proud, courageous and he likes to be listened to.
February 20 March 1: Pearl he needs friendships and understanding. He is sentimental and has a rich soul.
March 2 – 10: Sailboat this person will enjoy life and will be quite individualist.
March 11 – 20: Yogi this person will be lonely and will not bother anyone. Those around him say that he doesnt know what he wants from life.

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