The Havanese is an FCI recognized dog breed in the Mediterranean and Cuba. The breed originated in the western Mediterranean region and has developed along the Spanish and Italian coastal region. Apparently these dogs were imported early in Cuba by Italian captains. Meanwhile, all the bloodlines of the Havanese in Cuba have apparently been smuggled out and their descendants have survived in the United States. Today the Havanese is very popular in the world, probably because it is available in many other colors.
The Havanese has a height at the withers of 23 to 27 centimeters. The weight is very different and may range from 3 kilograms to 4 kilograms and can range up to 8 to 9 kilograms. The topcoat is very long (12 to 18 cm in adulthood), soft, flat or wavy and may form curly strands. It has no undercoat, and hair changes between winter and summer will not take place. The color is rarely completely pure white as it fawn in various shades from light brown to Havana brown(tobacco, red-brown). If it is mottled in any of these colors it is permissible, allowing easy overlaid with black. The slightly tapering hanging ears are relatively high, occupied not close and dense, with long fringes. The tail is carried high, either in the form of a line or preferably rolled over the back.
The Havanese is a good apartment dog, especially since he does not usually bark. He adapts well to single seniors, but it is preferred to be a whole family, where he may be the focus. He adapts well to his family. He pulls back when you've just no time for him, and if you cannot go several times a day for a walk with him, he is satisfied with just a garden to run around. He is lively, cheerful, affectionate, cuddly and loves to play with children and if he has had socialization training when he was young he will get along well with other dogs and household animals as well. The lush silky coat often has to be brushed and combed, so it does not matted.