About the baby…
In the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby measures approximately 29 cm from head to toes and weighs between 560 and 570 g. The neuronal linkages have already developed, so it has more complex movements. It touches and explores its own body and also the umbilical cord. The haering is well developed: any intense sound makes it move or move its little hands. Beneath the reddish and wrinkled skin, there are some layers of fat. In these weeks of pregnancy, the growth is very slow and constant.
… and the future mommy:
In week 23 of pregnancy, the uterus is round and pointed upwards, which can make your belly button be convex. The baby needs many nutrients, so you might get hungry more often – don’t give up on the small and very frequent meals. If in the last period you didn’t feel the need to use the bathroom so often, now you will feel it again. You have to constantly check for haemorrhoids.
From week 23, you can feel non-painful contractions which prepare your body. They are also named Braxton Hicks contractions and aren’t dangerous for the evolution of the pregnancy unless they come with pain and bleeding.
What should you do in week 23?
Control? Be careful to respect the regular dates of the medical consultations, even though everything is alright and you feel comfortable. In this trimester of the pregnancy, you should have a check every month. It is essential that the doctor checks the increase of weight, your blood pressure, your sugar level, iron and also the evolution and the growth of the baby.
Rest. Although in the second trimester, you usually have a high level of energy (compared with the first trimester), the need to rest is essential in keeping your physical and mental tonus. If you deprive yourself from rest when the body asks for it, this will have negative effects on the emotional levels: nervousness, anxiety, sadness. So do not refuse the opportunity to lay down even for half an hour ((always on sides and not on the back.)
Oedema. In week 23 or in the next ones, there are great chances to have heavy feet, ankles, arms. It happens because of the water retention and you can feel it more intensely if it is warm or humid. You should drink more water, stay with your legs up and wear comfortable and thin clothes with vaporous textures when outside is very warm. However, if your hands and face inflate, it can be a case of preeclampsia due to high blood pressure and it is necessary to call the doctor.
Decorate the child’s room. Do you have a special room for the baby? Perfect – it is time to think how it’s going to look like. Even if you live in a small apartment and the baby doesn’t have its own room, it is recommended to create its own corner where you will put the bed and all the other things. Here’s a good piece of advice: look into newspapers or order the necessary pieces of furniture: the bed or the wardrobe. Then, according to the style and the colours of the furniture, think of how you will paint the room (or what wallpaper will you use, what patterns, what drawings); after, you can choose the curtains, mats and sheets. When it comes to painting, it is better not to do it yourself: climbing up the ladder is risky and also the paint vapours are dangerous for you. If however you want to do it, be careful to air the room well and try as much as you can not to inhale the fumes. You can choose paint without volatile organic compounds, which doesn’t emanate toxic fumes. For the room decoration, you can choose different patterns for the wall (painted or on the wallpaper) depending on the taste and imagination; however, it is essential to offer the opportunity for the light to enter (but be careful to have curtains that block the light when the baby sleeps).
How do you choose the bed? Because it is the most important piece for the baby, here are some tips on how to choose a good bed. It’s best to buy a new bed or order it if you want it custom made, because sometimes it takes more than a month or two. Make sure it is strong enough (lean over it, shake it), see if the linking system is stable; choose a simple model, without applications or holes where the baby can block his arms and legs. The mattress should be new and to fit well in the wooden structure (you can choose an organic one which is more expensive, but safer) and you should vent it a month before you use it. The bed should have fixed sides. Don’t buy an old bed unless it comes from a known person who was pleased with it – in this case, buy only the mattress.