Monday, January 20, 2025

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Week 31 Of Pregnancy


About the baby …

In the week 31 of pregnancy, the baby is about 42 cm long and weighs 1.5 to 1, 7 kg. Lanugos, the fine fuzz that covers and protects the body slowly begins to disappear. The eyesight is really good and baby starts blinking. Hearing is very sensitive and if you talked to him before, he easily recognizes your voice.
Lungs are fully functional now, preparing for the transition to the outside and for breathing air. The bones strengthen and the nails are fully developed – it is possible for him to sting you a little with them.

… and the future mother:

During the week 31 of pregnancy, your uterus grows and presses the stomach (which causes you discomfort at the table) and bladder (which makes you go the toilet often). Uterine pressure influences the circulation and your feet may swell. If you often have feelings of constipation, you may not escape the displeasure of haemorrhoids.
The senior abdominal muscles are split in two – this phenomenon is called diastases rectum. There is nothing unusual, but that’s why working out your abs would have been useful before the pregnancy. Back pain does not only occur, but it can get worse – due to the weight that pulls you forward, the incorrect position and weakened joints. A good thing? The skin is probably shining and you probably have that glow people talk about. You will still experience the Braxton Hicks contractions.

What to do in week 31 of pregnancy:

  • You and the baby. Because he will recognize your voice as well as the voices he heard often, talk frequently to the baby! Some studies show that when you talk to him, the baby recognizes you and the heart rate accelerates. So, whenever you think of something, share your thoughts with the baby. Talk about everything: what to do, fears, dreams … Remember to always use a calm tone and do not yell – it can scar the baby. Put some soothing music and relax together – you’ll soon see the baby next to you after waiting so long …
    • Persistent back pain. You were already given advice on how to relieve this pain that you’ll encounter for a while – massages are the best. What to do: buy a prenatal belt that supports your tummy weight, go to the pool (a clean pool), because the water supports your weight, always sleep on your left side with your knees bent and do not forget the pillows,;
    • For haemorrhoids. If you have not escaped from the “curse of haemorrhoids” that affects many pregnant women, be careful: do not forget about Kegel exercises, do warm baths, apply cold compresses, drink water and eat fibres to relieve constipation, while also do not stand long upright; ask your doctor for a prescription for a haemorrhoid ointment which is harmless- if it is not a complicated case, you might have the chance that the haemorrhoids disappear after delivery, so you do not worry too much.
    • Urinary infections. You must avoid at all costs the risk of urinary tract infections (which can cause premature labour), so be sure to: go to the toilet when you feel the need, avoid public restrooms and use a protective layer of paper on top; also do not sit on dirty chairs / benches, even if your dress covers the posterior and call your doctor if you feel: burns, pressure or pain when going to the toilet to urinate.
    • You began to snore? (or did you snore early in the pregnancy)? The nasal mucous membranes are inflamed, so you often breathe through the mouth during sleep and snore. What to do: use nasal drops before going to bed, drink plenty of fluids, check the humidity in the bedroom – use a plant heater humidifier or put a bowl of water in the room.
    • Saliva? Another thing that is a little bit embarrassing: your body can produce excess saliva, up to 1 litre daily. Therefore, you may end up drooling like a puppy while talking with a friend, your mom, husband … However, it’s not like you’re craving! Make sure you always have wipes or a towel to spit the excess and try to suck a candy – it helps swallowing the saliva.
    • Diet. The baby is growing, so you need to eat healthy foods, because all you eat reaches the little one as well. Because the uterine pressure on the stomach is increased, it may be hard to finish a normal meal. Make sure you increase the frequency of meals if you are forced to eat less. Take healthy snacks as often as possible, like fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, biscuits. Why dream about a chocolate when you can crunch a carrot and you know that the baby will thank you (too much chocolate is not recommended because it has caffeine). Avoid sitting near smokers – it affects the baby.


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