Thursday, May 16, 2024

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The Norwegian Forest Cat Dates Back To The Vikings

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a sacred Viking breed which is highly esteemed, not only because of its beauty and cuteness, but for its excellent pet qualities. Known in Norway as “skogkatt” (translated “forest cat”), the Norwegian Forest Cat is a very old race, whose origin was lost in the Norwegian forests thousands of years ago. Most likely, the breed evolved from European cats that have migrated to Norway in ancient times. These cats have had to adapt to the cold northern climate, developing a strong physical constitution and a long thick fur. These felines have accompanied the Viking ships in their travel by sea, guarding their grain from rodents. Many consider the Norwegian Forest Cat to have been left after the Vikings on the eastern shores of America left and in fact they are the ancestors of the Maine Coon breed.

Though a constant presence and importance in Scandinavian mythology, in 1930s the Norwegian Forest Cat was still only very prized by farmers for their excellent hunting abilities. However, some individuals have participated in an exhibition in Germany and they were highly appreciated by the jury. Thus began the “modern history” of the race. However, as suddenly as it began, it was also end. The Second World War led to forgetting the race to popularize their concerns. In the early 1970s Norwegians began again to be concerned about their ancient cat race and was declared a national cat in Norway and Fife in 1977 was the first organization to recognize the feline race.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large, sturdy-looking, but elegant feline. An adult weighs between 3.6 and 7.2 kilograms while males are found considerably larger and heavier than females. It has lively nature and goes well with children and even other cats and animals in the household. They require some caring as they have a very thick fur and they need a regular brushing and combing. It is said that these cats are ideal for many people as they do not give allergies even to those that have problems with cats. Above all they make great pets for all.

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